Depending where you live in the nation, the seasons are bound to change. Spring turns to summer, summer to fall and of course, fall to winter with cold temperatures and snow. Trails become covered in snow and the gym crowd starts to grow.
But just because it's freezing outside doesn't mean your workout routine should freeze too. Here are our tips and tricks to staying active, especially in the colder weather months.
- Group Classes - If you feel the need to hit the gym but don't want to wait in line for treadmills, group fitness classes can be a great option. You still have the guidance of the instructor with a little more space and fun. Depending which classes you want - yoga, Zumba, spinning and more - many classes will "turn up the heat" literally and you'll feel as if summer has returned.
- Be Resourceful - Your home can be best gym membership you never have to pay for! Stairs can be a great leg workout or bringing small free weights home can be another option. Catch up on your favorite TV show with workouts during commercial breaks.
- Sports Leagues - If you played high school sports such as basketball, volleyball or bowling, indoor sports leagues are a great option to get you moving. Generally these leagues are after work hours, determined by skill level and fairly inexpensive to join.

- Winter Sports - Get out and enjoy the winter weather with skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, snowshoeing, hiking or even sledding. This is a fantastic way to experience sports, family/friends and new cities during the winter months.
- Shopping - Yes, you read that correctly. Walking briskly through the mall or department store can get your heart rate pumping and errands done at the same time. At a casual pace, the average person can burn 68 calories in 30 minutes of mall walking.